
Journal Articles

  • G. Marchello, A. Destere, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, Deep dynamic co-clustering of count data streams: application to pharmacovigilance (2024), Preprint, link.
  • G. Marchello, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, A Deep Dynamic Latent Block Model for Coclustering of Zero-Inflated Data Matrices (2023), Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, link.
  • A. Destere, G. Marchello, D. Merino, N. Ben Othman, A. O. Gérard, T.Lavrut, D. Viard, F. Rocher, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, M. D. Drici, An artificial intelligence algorithm for co-clustering to help in Pharmacovigilance with a focus on COVID-19 vaccines, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, link.
  • L. Gemini, M. Tortora, P. Giordano, M.E. Prudente, A. Villa, O. Vargas, M.F. Giugliano, F. Somma, G. Marchello, C. Chiaramonte, M. Gaetano, F. Frio, E. Di Giorgio, A. D’Avino, F. Tortora, V. D’Agostino, A. Negro, Vasari Scoring System in Discerning between Different Degrees of Glioma and IDH Status Prediction: A Possible Machine Learning Application?, In Journal of Imaging, 9(4), 75, link.
  • G. Marchello, A. Fresse, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, Co-clustering of evolving count matrices with the dynamic latent block model: application to pharmacovigilance, In Statistics and Computing, 32(3):1–22, link.

Invited Talks and Workshops

  • G. Marchello, Deep dynamic co-clustering of streams of count data: a new online Zip-dLBM, 2024, Working group on Model-Based clustering, Bertinoro, Italy.

  • G. Marchello, Unsupervised statistical learning with latent block models on dynamic discrete data,2023, In Thematic day of RT MIA, ENS Lyon, France.

  • G. Marchello, A deep dynamic co-clustering model for zero-inflated streams of count data, 2023, In Working group on Model-Based clustering, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  • G. Marchello, A dynamic latent block model for co-clustering of count data streams, 2022, In Working group on Model-Based clustering, Athens, Greece.


  • G. Marchello, D. Adamo, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, SBM for point set registration, In 54émes Journées de Statistique (JdS), May 2024, Bordeaux, France.

  • G. Marchello, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, Deep dynamic co-clustering of streams of count data: a new online Zip-dLBM, In ESANN, October 2023, Bruges, Belgium. link

  • G. Marchello, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, A deep dynamic latent block model for the coclustering of zero-inflated data matrices, In ECML PKDD, September 2023, Turin, Italy. link

  • G. Marchello, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, A deep dynamic co-clustering model for zero-inflated streams of count data, In 54émes Journées de Statistique (JdS), July 2023, Brussels, Belgium.

  • G. Marchello, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, A deep dynamic latent block model for co-clustering of zero-inflated count data matrices, In 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT), August 2022, Bologna, Italy.

  • G. Marchello, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, Co-clustering of evolving count matrices in pharmacovigilance with the dynamic latent block model, In 53émes Journées de Statistique (JdS), June 2022, Lyon, France.

  • G. Marchello, A. Fresse, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, Co-clustering of evolving count matrices in pharmacovigilance with the dynamic latent block model, In ICLR – Workshop AI for Public Health, May 2021, Virtual. link

  • G. Marchello, M. Corneli, C. Bouveyron, The dynamic latent block model for sparse and evolving count matrices, In ICML - Workskshop on Learning with Missing Values, July 2020, Virtual. link